
Wednesday 29 October 2014

The making of my AmiNeko

Although the patterns were translated by JoyJo, I couldn't read Thai (I think) but I figured it out anyway...

Getting ready to Assemble
I used 100% Cotton Threads mixed with Silver & Gold...
is it this side up or upside down?
oh well, it looked ok to me...
Head, Nozzle, Body, Legs & Tail attached...
Sleepy Eyes sewn...I think it needs a...
Hug? it thinking or sleeping???
Ssh...I think he's exhausted...
what did they say about not taking pictures of someone sleeping?
just a close-up, I hope it doesn't mind...
There's his brothers, should I make some more?

Thanks for stopping by...
do come back again. See ya... .

The making of my Little Bigfoot Pink Piggy...

Getting ready to assemble...

Arms & Legs attached...

so's the curly tail...

mouth, nozzle & characteristic eyes done...

ears attached...

right side view...

left side view...

and voila...
my Little Bigfoot Pink Piggy ~

thanks to Sharon Ojala of

for her Design & Patterns &

Video tutorials on

thank you for viewing & please come back soon
for more of my projects.